Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Some other fun things that happened in February

A trip on the free Staten Island ferry - freezing cold but amazing views of downtown Manhattan on a sunny day.

We finally discovered some local (almost) budget shopping possibilities at Trader Joes and Fairway. 
With the added excitement of a trolley escalator at Trader Joes and a well-stocked British aisle at Fairway!

First New York theatre trip was amazing (and of course included some pre-theatre pizza)

Bright lights of Broadway

We saw Other Desert Cities at the Booth Theatre. Sadly Stockard was off sick but we decided just to go anyway and the understudy was brilliant too.

Theatre tickets seem so much pricier than in London so sadly i think it will be a slightly rarer treat for us here (miss you National Theatre!)

The weirdest thing was that there wasn't the usual mad rush to the bar in the interval. As in no one had a drink...

The New York Giants won the Superbowl and had a ticker tape victory parade through the city. 
Seeing as this sounded like the most American thing ever we had to go for a look.

Look - people wearing caps backwards!

We still can't get over the joy of an American diner breakfast.

We had a lovely Saturday evening seeing The Artist at my new favourite cinema. Seriously, everyone there seemed like a character from a Woody Allen film - New York heaven!

We loved the film and grabbed a quick Shake Shack burger afterwards. Perfect.
The evening was only slightly marred by the spotting of three rats within one block on the walk home, two of whom were in full hand to hand combat. 
New York is doing nothing for my rodent phobia.

And finally a couple of  favourite views from our neighbourhood...

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